Many Canadian Sportsmen hunt caribou, with the .30-06 the main cartridge of choice, with 30% of the recommendations. The .300 Win. Mag. was a close second at 26%, however it should be noted the votes here came dominatingly from rocky mountain guides.
Once more, we should remember the mountain caribou of B.C. also, the Yukon are far larger and stronger than their cousins across a large part of the remainder of Canada.
Different options referenced are the .270 Win. and .270 WSM, alongside the .338 Win. Mag., the .300 RUM and the .300 WSM. We found the prevalence of magnum and .30-cal sizes astonishing, given that most caribou are moderately simple to put down whenever hit in the vitals.
We have some friends who have taken a few caribou with .25-06 over the years, so anticipated that a larger number of hunters might choose lighter cartridges.
Premium rounds intended for most extreme penetration aren't vital for caribou, since they aren't especially enormous or tough-skinned game. Of course, in this case, many hunters seem to pick bullets designed to expand rapidly.
If there was one fundamental suggestion from the hunters, it was to not be in a rush to shoot the first caribou you see. By large-game standards, most caribou have big racks, making them hard to judge at distance.
Surely, to the unenlightened, all caribou seem enormous. So take as much time as necessary, investigate as many animals as could reasonably be expected and realize what antler designs genuinely represent a beautiful prize.
From our 2009 overview of aides the nation over, requesting that they share their experiences on the best cartridges, shots, optics and more for chasing Canada's major event creatures.