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    As much as we love hearing the sweet string music of a compound bow during deer and elk season, there's nothing like breaking out the ol'smoke post and running some lead through our rifles during hunting season!

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Are you an experienced bow hunter? Are you confident, but still miss some simple shots? Odds are you suffer from target anxiety; we're here to help!

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One rifle, one calibre, all the game in the True North: is there an unrivaled combination that can do it all? You bet there is!

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With hunting season is upon us, so emerges one of the greatest threats hunters and wildlife have ever faced... Chronic wasting disease (CWD) In many provinces hunters are encouraged to get their game heads tested for CWD. CWD is a deadly disease that attacks wildlife and affects the focal sensory system with no cure. During the last hunting season in Saskatchewan alone we saw an an additional 1,300 entries to the provincial government's CWD observation program from 2,000 submitted game heads to the year prior. The program identified 528 positive cases, including deer, elk and moose. In 2018-19, there were 349...

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“I was winning almost every tournament in my class, because there were no other women around,” Kathy says.

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